First Few Days

A list of things to do or watch for your first few days

Low blood sugar!

Like other small breeds, Miniature Dachshund puppies require careful feeding and monitoring to prevent a
condition called hypoglycemia (low blood sugar). Puppies are prone to developing this life-threatening
condition due to their high metabolic rates and low reserves of sugar and body fat. We recommend allowing your puppy to free feed the first-month minimum.

It is not uncommon for a puppy that has been motion sick on the way home to not want to eat for several hours sometimes even until the next morning if you arrived in the afternoon or evening, however, you should continue offering and coaxing them to eat and/or drink every 20-30 minutes.

While it is tempting to offer human food or treats to get them to eat, only offer food they are used to (it can be offered wet) in order to avoid further upsetting their stomach.

Usually, they will still want to drink water in small amounts even if not eating. If not you can sometimes encourage them to drink by wetting a cloth or your fingers and letting them lick it. Sometimes they can be enticed by crushed/shaved ice. This should not continue beyond an hour or two after arriving home.

Do not attempt pouring water in their mouth this can cause aspiration. They do not need cow’s milk either it will upset their stomach further.

In most cases, either quiet cuddling or giving the pup space to relax is the best option they will be more willing to eat and drink when they are not stressed due to all the changes happening.

Young puppies should be watched closely for signs of low blood sugar like weakness or lethargy. If you suspect your puppy has low blood sugar, you can dab a bit of Karo light corn syrup, or my preferred black molasses on their tongue. Call your veterinarian if your puppy does not seem to perk up within 20 minutes.

Visit your veterinarian

Your puppy will have received its first round of vaccinations and de-worming before it goes home with you, we recommend looking over the health record we have provided with your veterinarian to create a continued vaccination plan and discuss safe options for controlling parasites.

What to expect after vaccinations?

Vaccination is a recommended veterinary preventive measure, and it’s a safe and effective way to protect pets and people from serious diseases. During the process of developing protective immunity, your puppy’s immune system may cause your puppy to experience some mild effects that should not last longer than a few days:

Common symptoms your pet may experience for two to three days
 Mild fever
 A decrease in social behavior
 Diminished appetite or activity
 Sneezing or other respiratory signs with intranasal vaccines
 Discomfort or mild swelling at the injection site

You should always monitor your puppy closely after each vaccination, and you should contact your veterinarian immediately if the mild effects (listed above) persist longer than three days, or if your puppy experiences any severe adverse reactions (listed below) within hours of the vaccination:

Rare but life-threatening symptoms of an adverse reaction—contact your vet immediately
 Swelling to face and legs
 Repeated vomiting or diarrhea
 Whole-body itching
 Difficulty breathing
 Collapse
If your pet experiences any of these rare symptoms (listed above), you should contact your veterinarian immediately, as it will require additional medical treatment.


Supervise your children during their initial encounters with your new puppy

If you have young children, supervise their interactions with your new puppy.
 Help your children understand that puppies are not toys, and they must be handled with the utmost care.
 Set playtime limits (15-20 minutes, two-three times per day) to allow both your children and your puppy get sufficient rest.
 Tell your children that all pets should be treated gently and kindly and that they should never tease, play roughly, pull his tail or ears, or shout at the puppy (even if the puppy does something wrong).

Introduce your new puppy to your resident pets gradually and carefully

If you have a resident pet, it is also important to supervise their initial encounters with your new puppy:
 After you bring your new puppy home, keep your new puppy and any resident pets separated while your new puppy acclimatizes to their new surroundings.
 For the first few meetings, keep your new puppy in his crate (or behind an expandable doorway gate) and allow them to sniff one other. Do not leave your puppy alone with another pet unsupervised even if they seem to get along at first. Do not force interaction it takes time often 3 days.
 Allow your resident pet to enter and sniff items that smell like a puppy.